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Falling For Sue Ellen

  Falling For Sue Ellen

  A Thankful For The Jones Sisters Novella

  M.K. Moore

  Flirty Filth Publishing

  Copyright © 2019 by M.K. Moore

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover by Ember Flint

  Created with Vellum


  What happens when you throw caution to the wind and take a chance on the one person meant for you?

  For Sue Ellen Jones and Elliot Cole, Thanksgiving just got a whole lot sexier.

  Stuffed takes on a whole new meaning this year.

  This is an over the top, insta-everything with all the feels.

  This is book 4 in the Thankful for the Jones Sisters Series.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6




  Other books by MK Moore

  About the Author

  “When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”

  -Harry Burns, When Harry Met Sally by Nora Ephron

  Dedicated to those who believe in the power of instalove

  Chapter One

  Sue Ellen Jones

  "Fuck this shit," I mumble under my breath all the while throwing things around my desk. I'm annoyed, exhausted, and fed up with my brother and sisters. As the Guest Relations Manager for the Fall Mountain Resort, my job should be relatively easy. My family has owned the place for years. This is where I grew up. It's more than a hotel, it's home. My parents recently retired, leaving my older brother, Ford, in charge of the hotel as well as maintenance and all of the grounds, including the ski lifts and tube runs. My oldest sister, Sadie Mae, handles the spa and gym as the Guest Wellness Coordinator. She is a little less Bohemian than I am, but then again, I am a full-blown vegetarian hippie. My fraternal twin, Mille Kay, is the in-house party planner and event coordinator. We are polar opposites. She listens to old rock songs constantly. Whenever I can't figure out a gift for her, my go-to is headphones. It doesn't matter what style it is, she's happy. I swear she has at least thirty sets. I, on the other hand, would prefer folksy, Celtic or mystical music blaring loud. My youngest sister, Pixie Jo, is the head chef. Despite having a twin, PJ and I are the closest as we work the weirdest hours and spend a lot of time together. Her baked goods keep me sane.

  Typically, I work from five-thirty in the morning to three in the afternoon. But as of ten minutes ago, I've been on shift for twenty-six hours now. Twenty fucking six hours in the middle of a fucking blizzard. I tend to be foul-mouthed when I am pissed but throw in tired as hell and I might as well be a Gold Medal Olympian if swearing like a sailor was an event. There's always a manager on duty and I drew the fucking short straw. I am ready to crawl into my bed and not move for the rest of the day. Our night manager, Tilly, had to have an emergency C-section yesterday. Her husband called about an hour after she was supposed to be here. Her maternity leave wasn't going to start until next week, so our temporary hire hasn't started yet. I am glad that mom and baby are both doing great, but I am beyond done. After he called earlier, I went ahead and decided for the temp to start tomorrow, but that was the soonest she could get here. I tried to get my siblings to come relieve me last night but not one of those bitches answered their phones.

  At damn near eight the next morning, I’m still in the midst of my inner tantrum. I pause my fuming when I hear the little tinkling bell from the front desk indicating someone is there. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror as I walk out of my office. I look like death warmed over then died again. It'll just have to do.

  "Hi! Are you Sue Ellen?" A perfectly put together not to mention beautiful blonde woman asks me.

  "I am. Welcome to Fall Mountain Resort. Are you Diane?"

  "I am. Sorry, I am a little early."

  "No. Trust me early is fine. Ezra will get you acclimated," I say indicating the front desk clerk.

  "Perfect." Ezra is in charge of new employee training. Diane will be working overnight starting tomorrow night. I just have to get through the next eighteen minutes and then Ford is taking over whether he likes it or not.

  "It was so nice to meet you. Ezra will also show you the employee quarters. You'll have private accommodations and all three meals are included each day you work and two meals on your off days. The season is brutal. We are at full capacity most of the time. Do you have any questions for me?"

  "No. I am good for now."

  "Follow Ezra and he'll take care of you."

  "Thank you. It was lovely to meet you."

  "You too." She goes into the back with Ezra. I man the desk until Ford strolls in.

  "You look like shit, sis,” he says following me to my office. I grab my bag, my phone, and my laptop.

  "Gee thanks, asshat. I am out of here. I'll come back after I get some sleep but the rest of you can figure out the day."

  "Fine. We got this. Take a shower too. Really, you look terrible," he repeats. I am about one second from decking him when someone hits the bell impatiently. like forty-seven times. "You want me to take care of that?"

  "No, I got it, then I'm gone," I promise.

  When I step back out to the desk, I forget how to breathe. The hottest man I have ever, ever seen is standing there still ringing the bell. I place my hand over his to stop the ringing, but he hasn’t taken his gaze off of me. I can feel him looking into my soul and crazily, I am hoping he likes what he sees, even though I look dead. I swallow thickly. I, on the other hand, am loving what I am seeing. He just has on a pair of grey sweatpants and a thin white t-shirt. His hair is dripping wet. He doesn’t look happy, but I watch as his face softens a bit.

  “Are you the manager?” he asks.

  “I am. How can I help you?” I reply, remembering how to have a conversation.

  “We checked in yesterday, and we have no hot water,” he says. When he says we, I glance at his left hand. He’s ringless but that doesn’t mean much these days.

  “We?” I blurt out in curiosity. He grins.

  “My buddies and I came out for some skiing.”

  “Ah, a boy’s trip. Leave the wife and kids home kind of thing?” I ask, internally wondering what the fuck is wrong with me right now. I am usually a semi confident woman, so I don’t understand what’s happening to me or my body right now. It’s totally betraying me. My pussy is wet, and my nipples hardened as soon as he spoke.

  “Not at all. We are currently enjoying the bachelor life,” he responds. I stare at him for a few minutes until he clears his throat.

  “Oh, right. Your hot water isn’t working. I can get maintenance up to your suite within twenty minutes. Is that good?”

  “Sure. I’m Elliott Cole. Room 937. You are?”

  “Sue Ellen. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” I say somehow managing to lower my voice about two octaves. His eyes widen and why wouldn’t they? I sound like a phone sex operator. Or at least what I think a phone sex operator sounds like.

  “It’s nice to meet you too, Sue Ellen,” he says grinning at me. “Twenty minutes sounds good.” I type the maintenance order into the system and send it on its way.

  “Ya know, I have a shower at my place,” I say out of nowhere.

  “Do you now?” he asks raising an eyebrow at me.

  I don’t know what a virgi
n like me is thinking. He's all man. That beard is turning my insides into mush. I don’t believe in being so forward with a man, but I feel like if I don't take the chance, I'll miss out on maybe the greatest thing to ever happen to me.

  Chapter Two

  Elliott Cole

  When I came down here from my room, I was pissed. This is supposed to be a luxury resort and at $210 a night, I should have hot water, but that anger passed the moment I saw her. She came around the corner and my world slowed to a stop. Her floral perfume has ensnared my senses and the rest of the package, though slightly disheveled, is absolutely gorgeous. Her blonde hair is piled high on the top of her head. My fingers itch to pull it down and see just how long and soft it is. Then she opened her mouth and her sultry voice clenched it for me. She is the woman I’ve been waiting for my whole life. Without knowing a fucking thing about her, I know without a shadow of a doubt that she’s mine. She was born for me just as I was born for her.

  “Where’s your place,” I ask, still grinning.

  “Around back. I have a cabin on site.”

  “That’s a nice job perk,” I say causing her to giggle.

  “Yes, it’s really a perk of being the owner’s daughter, but it’s a nice cabin,” she says leading me out the back door. It’s colder than a witch’s tit out here and I left my coat in my room.

  “Shit, you must be freezing,” she says starting to sprint, I move faster to keep up with her. It's then that I notice she is wearing a well-worn pair of Birkenstocks, as they are clapping the ground as she walks.

  "Are you really wearing sandals in this weather?" I ask.

  "Huh?" she asks looking down. "Oh shit. Well, I am just coming off a twenty-six-hour shift. I forgot my boots in my office. Oh well. We are here."

  The side of the cabin looks like a normal cabin. The front door, however, is inundated with a plethora of wind chimes. But that's just the beginning. When she lets me inside, I am not prepared for anything I see. Multi-colored crystals cover every available surface. There's also the overwhelming scent of marijuana, which makes sense as this is Colorado and she is clearly a hippie. I haven't touched the stuff since college, but that scent is unmistakable. I grin. The more my eyes take in her space, the more I want her to be mine. She takes her shoes off at the door, so I follow suit and add my own to the giant basket by the front door.

  “So, the bathroom is right over there,” she says indicating a door to the right. “The towels are in the cabinet under the sink. Everything should be in there but let me know if you need anything else. Would you like some coffee?” she asks.

  “Coffee sounds great. Thanks, Sue Ellen,” I reply heading into the bathroom. I don’t really need another shower, but I do need a minute before I jump the poor girl. I have never felt this way before and it’s fucking with my sense of decency to be honest.

  Turning the shower on, I strip and step in, immediately the warmth overtakes me, though I gotta say the cold shower in my room would be preferable to ease the ache in my cock. Giving up, I step out and wrap a plush towel around my waist. Without thinking, I step back out into her living room.

  “Holy fucking shit,” I hear just before glass hits the floor and shatters.

  “Shit. Fuck. Hotttt,” she hisses in rapid succession. It takes about two seconds to reach her kitchen. Once there, I see that she’s dropped both mugs of coffee onto her feet. They are red, but it doesn’t look too bad.

  “Oh fuck, are you okay?” I ask pulling her out of the liquid and glass mess. Her hands land on my chest. She gasps and looks up into my eyes.

  “Um… Yeah. I’m fine. You distracted me,” she admits, looking back down. I use my thumb and forefinger to grip her chin and bring her gaze back to mine.

  “I apologize,” I all but growl. Then she licks her lips and I lose my fucking mind. I lower my head and take her mouth in the deepest kiss I can manage. Her tongue dances with mine while her arms encircle my neck. She moans and I know without a doubt that she’s mine. I lift her up so that I am carrying her. She rips her face away from mine.

  “My bedroom is over there,” she gestures wildly while holding on tight to me with her other hand.

  “Is it now?” I groan.

  “Uh-huh,” she mumbles before kissing me again.

  Still carrying her, I reach her room. Again, I am surprised. Most of the room is taken up by a giant bed. It’s much larger than a king-sized bed. I set her gently down on it.

  “Shit, I should take a shower,” she sits, sitting up suddenly.

  “Are you a filthy girl?” I ask out of nowhere.

  “Um… Yes,” she says grinning and arching an eyebrow at me.

  “I like that,” I tell her before losing my towel. I slowly run my fingers up her legs. Reaching the waistband of her leggings that are covered in turkeys, I slowly peel them off of her. Hooking my thumbs in her panties, I get rid of the last piece of clothing that hides her beautiful cunt from me. She pulls off her own sweater. Reaching behind her, I try to open her bra, but there is no clasp. Despite never having done this, I didn’t think it would be so hard to do.

  “It’s a front clasp,” she says reaching between us to pop it open. I pull it off of her and toss it to the floor. I watch as her ample tits bounce as I do so. Automatically, my hands reach for them. I palm them before lightly tugging on her already hard nipples.

  “Fuck, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,” I tell her.

  “Yeah right. I look like I am dead.”

  “If that’s true, then you are still fucking gorgeous,” I tell her before kissing her again.

  “You’re a smooth talker, Elliot. I bet you say that to all your one night, well day, stands,” she says. Again, I grip her chin bringing her gaze back to mine.

  “Let’s get one thing straight, Sue Ellen. I don’t do one-night stands. This is my first time, period. Once I fuck you, you’re mine for life, got it?

  “You can’t mean that,” she breathes.

  “Which part?”

  “Any of it.”

  “Oh, babe. I am telling the truth. You are the first and last woman I will ever fuck, and that’s a motherfucking promise.”

  “Me too,” she says shyly.

  “Yeah?” I question. Oh, shit. Her pale green eyes meet mine and I see the truth in them.

  “Yes,” she says nodding.

  “Lie back, babe. I am about to claim this pussy in the name of Elliott Cole.” She bursts out laughing.

  “That was really fucking cheesy,” she says still giggling.

  “Be that as it may, that doesn’t make it any less true,” I reply also chuckling. She nods, sobering up. Then she leans back on the bed and spreads her thighs open. Her pretty pink pussy is wet and ready for me, and I have no choice but to taste what she is offering me.

  Jesus. How the fuck did I get so lucky?

  Chapter Three

  Sue Ellen

  Oh my God. I can’t believe this is really happening. I never thought it would. I am not the pretty one, that's Millie Kay. Perfect Millie Kay who doesn't know how perfect she is. I force my thoughts away from my sister. I don’t date, not even once. I don’t even get crushes, not unless Ryan Reynolds counts, which I am sure it doesn’t. The second his tongue touches my clit, I scream. I never knew what pleasure really was. I tried to pleasure myself many times over the years, but I couldn't obtain it. One slow, delicate swipe of his tongue is almost more than I can take.

  "Elliot, please. I need more," I shout. Then he buries his face in my pussy, alternately licking and sucking on me until I burst. It's like nothing I've ever felt. My pussy is quaking with the aftershocks of his amazing oral skills. I don't want to know how he's so good at it, but I believe him when he says he's a virgin. Then he does it all over again. He uses two fingers to gather my cream and runs them over my clit. He puts his mouth on me again and shoves two fingers into my pussy hole and uses another to tease my ass. Fuck, he’s way to good at this. How do people like get up and do mundane things
like go to work or the grocery store after something as life affirming as this happens?

  "You look insanely beautiful when you come, Sue Ellen."

  "Thank you, I think," I say giggling.

  "You're most welcome, love. Not too bad for the first time, was it?" He grins and my eyes widen. It's like he's in my head or something.

  "What do you look like when you come?" I ask as he climbs between my still spread thighs.

  “I have no idea. You will have to tell me,” he growls as he grips his bare cock. I probably should be thinking about stranger danger and diseases, but I am not. Somehow, I know in my soul that this man would never hurt me. The only thought running through my head is babies. His babies growing inside me. “Are you sure about this Sue Ellen? Once I take you, I am not letting you go.”

  “Fuck, yes. I am sure. Claim me in the name of Elliot Cole," I tell him, remembering his earlier joke. I start to giggle but stop when he strokes his cock while staring at me. He’s not even touching me, but I am writhing in anticipation for the inevitable touch.

  "You're mine, Sue Ellen. You got that?" he asks, his voice demanding.

  "Yes," I tell him. I wish he'd hurry up and do it. Make me his. Make me a woman. Make me a wife. Make me a mother. So much rides on this moment. Our first moment as lovers. And I do love him, as crazy as it sounds. I could blame it on sleep deprivation, but that would be a fucking lie. It's love. Crazy, sure but head over heels, love that lasts forever love. The first jolt of electric energy as he settles between my thighs and guides his cock through my wet pussy lips before stuffing me full of him. I cry out in sheer delight as he punches through my cherry in one hard thrust.